You are here: BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide > Troubleshooting server performance and stability > About system status reporting > Creating a system status report

Creating a system status report

AMRep.exe (AMRepU.exe on 32-bit computers) is a command-line tool that can be run on a Meridian application server or client computer to gather configuration and status information useful for troubleshooting. Running this executable is completely safe and typically can be done during production hours because it does not interact or interfere with any Meridian components that might also be running.

AMRep.exe accepts several parameters that are described in the following table. The command-line syntax is:

AMRep <OutputFolder> [/ds] [/bu]

The output file will be named AMReport<32 or 64>_<ComputerName>_<Date>.cab where <32 or 64> is the 32-bit or 64-bit report, <ComputerName> is the name of the computer where AMRepU is being run, and <date> is the current date, for example, AMReport64_MyServer_10042009.CAB. The 32-bit program AMRepU.exe produces only the 32-bit report. The 64-bit program AMRep.exe produces both the 32-bit and 64-bit reports since 32-bit components are also installed.

AMRepU command-line parameters
Parameter Description


The folder in which to store the output file. The DOS shorthand characters “.” (current folder) and “..” (parent folder) are accepted. This parameter is required.


Includes all vault databases (excluding stream files) in the output file. This can cause the output file to become very large. Optional.

Warning    AMRep.exe will temporarily stop the Meridian services in order to do this. Therefore, do not use this option while the server is in use. Do not use this option unless specifically asked to do so by a technical support representative.


Includes the Backup folders of all vault databases (excluding stream files) in the output file. The Meridian services will not be stopped if this switch is used. This can cause the output file to become very large. Optional.

Warning    Although AMRep.exe doesn’t stop any services when this switch is used, it can temporarily put a heavy load on the server, which will result in decreased performance. Do not use this option unless specifically asked to do so by a technical support representative.


Includes the contents of the extensions share in the output file. By default, these are located at C:\BC-Meridian Extensions.


Runs CHKDSK on the specified drive and includes the results in the output file.

To create a system status report:

  1. Open a command-prompt window on the computer where you want to run the program.
  2. Change the current folder to the Meridian program folder C:\Program Files\BC-Meridian\Program, by default.
  3. Type the program name, specify the necessary parameters, and press Enter. The following example will produce a basic report file in the current folder:

    C:\Program Files\BC-Meridian\Program>AMRep .

  1. As AMRep.exe runs, progress messages are shown in the command-prompt window. Completion can take several minutes.
  2. When AMRep.exe is finished, you can open the resulting .cab file to review the results.

An AMRep.exe output file (*.cab) contains the files described in the following table.

AMRep.exe output file contents
File Name Description

Symantec Norton AntiVirus configuration files (files > 10 KB in size are skipped)


Hypertrieve database file (requires /ds parameter)


Hypertrieve database log file (requires /ds parameter)


Backup of Hypertrieve database log file (requires /bu parameter)


Hypertrieve database snapshot backup (requires /ds parameter)


Hypertrieve database snapshot (requires /ds parameter). Not added if *.snb exists


Backup of Hypertrieve database snapshot (requires /bu parameter)


Hypertrieve allocation information


AMFS service log file


A listing of vaults and the amount of disk space used


Directory listings for each vault folder


AutoCAD application link settings


A listing of all files included in the CAB file


An export of the Windows Application Event log


Dump of BlueSave


Windows boot configuration file.


Cache loader settings


An export of Meridian-related registry settings under HKEY_CURRENT_USER


Settings of installed datastores


A listing of Windows drivers


HyperCache event log


Hypertrieve event log


Setup log files where <Version> is the installed Meridian version number and <Build> is the build number


Information about installed Indexing Service content filters

Properties of the application pools used by Meridian Enterprise and Meridian Enterprise Server.
Properties of the web applications installed by Meridian Enterprise and Meridian Enterprise Server.

An export of registry settings related to Autodesk software


An export of registry settings related to class AppIDs


An export of Meridian-related registry settings under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE


An export of registry settings related to Windows hot fixes


An export of registry settings related to McAfee software


An export of registry settings related to Windows memory management


An export of registry settings related to OLE


An export of registry settings related to SQL Server


An export of registry settings related to installed services


An export of registry settings related to Symantec software


An export of registry settings related to uninstall information

Scheduled Jobs.txt

An export of jobs in Windows Task Scheduler

Security Events.csv

An export of the Windows Security log


A listing of files installed by Meridian

System Events.csv

An export of the Windows Events log

System Information.txt

System information


An export of registry settings related to the current international region from the Default, LocalService, LocalSystem, and NetworkService registry sections

Related concepts

About system status reporting

Understanding the event logs

Related tasks

Reviewing the server configuration information

Reviewing the System event log

Reviewing the Application event log